Holistic Operator


Dear Life Travelers, no matter how or in which way you landed on my page … Welcome!

Now let me introduce myself! I am a Reiki Master and holistic practitioner certified in various disciplines, but above all I am a multidimensional traveler at the service of anyone who wants to elevate their state of happiness and well-being. My task is to reconnect the Heaven and Earth within each of us and, for this, I can travel in time (connecting ancient memories or past lives while having openings of vision towards the future). I have access to the world of energies and to the dimension of the Soul. I can see the soul’s project for this life and through its language I can help you re-read daily events to rediscover yourself, “your center”, “your intrinsic meaning”, your Mission and with it the Joy and Gusto of living life.


Over the years Reiki has merged with my ability to see and allows me to be a “link between two worlds” (the visible and the invisible).
This permits me to use it as a means to understand what really stands between the person and their full fruition. In this status of connection with the recipient’s Soul and their soul’s projects, Reiki immediately allows me to unlock energies and dissolve dynamics.

Bach Flowers

When we suffer, it is right to look for new horizons that make us happy; however, in the beginning, we move away from a known reality towards something vague and unknown. Bach Flowers, completely natural remedies with no contraindications or side effects, are a very effective method that accompanies and supports us during this uncertain period of self-discovery while on the search of our happy dimension.


Matrix-2-Point is a practical application of quantum physics. I have made it my tool to break down the walls of bad habits and to defuse established behavioral patterns. In fact, they trigger automatically without giving us time to see that at that exact point of existence, other viable roads could open that give access to new scenarios.


Readings are an analysis and feedback of the energy field. In simpler words, I make myself a spokesperson for the invisible world because what you see is not always all that there is to see, something more subtle (but no less important than the visible) can escape the eye. The integral vision of reality is similar to that of an iceberg: it is not enough to see the part emerged to assess the total situation.

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